Saturday, April 19, 2008

Indonesian Life

aduh2! sedih juga ya liat jaman sekarang.
kayanya orang2 seumuran saya masih sibuk cari jati diri.
masih haus akan kepopuleran.
masih ingin dianggap keberadaannya dengan menggeluti smua bidang yang lg in saat ini.
masih ingin dianggap gaul dengan mengikuti trend yang ada.
ada hal yang baru sy sadari beberapa hari lalu. dari percakapan di Yahoo Messenger dengan seorang teman bernama Riar.
Riar: Dij, 4 bulan nganggur sblm kuliah mo ngapain?
Diza: Mo olah raga, mo les komputer buat program desain, mo les fotografi, mo perawatan diri! haha.
Riar: Kmu mo les fotografi dij? Ngapain?
Diza: itu 4 rencana udh lama yar. tadinya klo ga ktrima SR ITB, pengen sih gawe dlu. klo gawe kn msti punya modal skill. at least sy pny skill desain sama foto gt.. alhamdulillah ktrima. yah lumayan jg sih buat modal awal di SR.
Riar: hehe. sugan teh kmu mo jadi POSEUR za! Fotografer jaman skarang tuh poseur smua! cma ikut2an doang!
Diza: Masa sih yar?
Riar: Iya, semenjak deviant art booming.
Diza: Deviant kn situs lama bgt?
Riar: Tp boomingnya br sekarang. sekarang tuh seolah2 jd fotografer cma buat punya deviant dan mejeng. hahaha
Diza: HOOO!! Sy br nyadar siah yar! iya yah! dipikir2 skrg byk bgt org2 yg mendadak fotografer! berasa handal pula! haha
Riar: Iya za.. bertebaran malah.

Hiiiiy serem juga yah!
Saya heran jadinya. sebenernya org2 yg di deviant itu emg sy gatau mana yg ikut2an mana yg emg berjiwa fotografer. gapapa sih. emg hak orang kok. ga nglarang jg. tp yg sy sedih tuh, knp itu jadi bahan untuk tiruan sih? untuk org2 yg cma pengen trend?
harusnya lewat foto itu kreatifitas kita meningkat. gimana kreatifitas mo ningkat, klo sang fotografer nya aja seorang poseur? sang fotografernya itu melakukan karena pengen ikut2an kaya yg lain.
dunia ini kt sy udh mulai tempat yg paling menyeramkan. ngeliat org2 yg sama.
ngeliat suatu trend yg slalu datang dan pergi, dan selalu diikuti. dimana jati diri kalian? dimana kreatifitas kalian?
sy ngmng gni bukan brarti sy org yg paling kreatif sedunia. tp sy ngmng gni krn sy bosen liat pemandangan tiap hari, hidup diantara org2 yang smuanya sama dan seragam.
ah dunia apaan nih?
Indonesia skrg udh mulai ky american life nya madonna.

Do I have to change my name?
Will it get me far?
Should I lose some weight?
Am I gonna be a star?

I tried to be a boy,
I tried to be a girl
I tried to be a mess,
I tried to be the best
I guess I did it wrong,
That's why I wrote this song

This type of modern life - Is it for me?
This type of modern life - Is it for free?
So, I went into a bar looking for sympathy
A little company - I tried to find a friend
It's more easily said it's always been the same
This type of modern life -Is not for me?
This type of modern life -Is not for free?

American life
I live the american dream
You are the best thing I've seen,
You are not just a dream

I tried to stay ahead,
I tried to stay on top
I tried to play the part,
But somehow I forgot
Just what I did it for
And why I wanted more
This type of modern life - Is it for me?
This type of modern life - Is it for free?

Do I have to change my name?
Will it get me far?
Should I lose some weight?
Am I gonna be a star?

American life
I live the american dream
You are the best thing I've seen,
You are not just a dream

I tried to be a boy,
I tried to be a girl
I tried to be a mess,
I tried to be the best
I tried to find a friend,
I tried to stay ahead
I tried to stay on top...

Fuck it...
Do I have to change my name?
Will it get me far?
Should I lose some weight?
Am I gonna be a star?

I'm drinking a Soy latte
I get a double shot
It goes right through my body
And you know
I'm satisfied,
I drive my mini cooper
And I'm feeling super-dooper
Yo they tell I'm a trooper
And you know I'm satisfied
I do yoga and pilates
And the room is full of hotties
So I'm checking out the bodies
And you know I'm satisfied
I'm digging on the isotopes
This metaphysic's shit is dope
And if all this can give me hope
You know I'm satisfied
I got a lawyer and a manager
An agent and a chef
Three nannies, an assistant
And a driver and a jet
A trainer and a butler
And a bodyguard or five
A gardener and a stylist
Do you think I'm satisfied?
I'd like to express my extreme point of view
I'm not Christian and I'm not a Jew
I'm just living out the American dream
And I just realized that nothing Is what it seems

Do I have to change my name
Am I gonna be a star
Do I have to change my name
Am I gonna be a star?
Do I have to change my name

carilah jati diri kalian teman! saya muak sama kalian semua!

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